Looking for a memoir editor or fiction editor? Tell me about your manuscript: topic, themes, genre, word count, publication goals, the kind of feedback you'd like to see. I'd love to hear all about it!
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If you're looking for feedback on the content of your writing, you'll need a critique, also known as developmental editing or content editing. I'm a memoir editor as well as a fiction editor, and I'm comfortable with a wide range of topics and styles. I'll give you an objective evaluation as well as a blueprint for revision.
When I critique a manuscript, whether short or book-length, memoir, essay, or fiction, I provide an honest, thorough, straightforward assessment of the work. I examine all of the elements of storytelling: prose; sentence and paragraph construction; characterization, dialogue, sensory details, and other aspects of scene writing; pacing, structure, overall narrative arc; and the emotional/psychological impact of the material on the reader.
My rate is the same for all levels of critique: $60 per hour, with a 1-hour minimum.
Below are several options, based on the time it takes to provide the detail you need. All are appropriate options for book-length manuscripts, and all can include an assessment of the work's potential for traditional publication if requested.
For short pieces such as essays and stories, I recommend the detailed critique.
If you have several short works or one book-length work, keep in mind that I offer a 10 percent discount for prepaid totals of $300 or more.
NOTE: The following are general examples, not actual quotes. To determine the fee for your project, I'll consider your word count, your specific needs, and your budget.
I'll give your work a careful reading and present all feedback in a summary. I'll outline overall strengths and weaknesses and provide specific advice on revising the manuscript.
On a manuscript review, I cover about 6,000 words per hour. Say you have a 70,000-word manuscript: 70,000 divided by 6,000 words per hour = 12 hours. 12 x $60/hour = $720 in 2 installments, or $648 if prepaid (10 percent off).
This option covers all of the storytelling elements outlined above; you can also ask me to focus on particular issues. I type comments directly on the page, offering specific suggestions for improvement: a scene that might be expanded, an idea that needs clarification, a section of text that could be deleted or moved in order to improve flow.
I also point out the strengths of the piece: insightful, moving, or humorous lines and passages; engaging descriptions of people and places; fresh, original language that expresses the writer's unique voice. I make notations on approximately one-half of the manuscript's total pages (spread throughout).
On a standard critique, I cover about 4,000 words per hour. Returning to the 70,000-word example: 70,000 divided by 4,000 words per hour = 17 hours. 17 hours x $60/hour = $1020 in 2 installments, or $918 if prepaid (10 percent off).
This option offers all that the standard critique provides, but in greater depth. I read your work twice: once to get a sense of the content and a second time to make comments. I make notations on approximately two-thirds of the manuscript's total pages (spread throughout).
On a detailed critique, I cover about 3,000 words per hour. Returning to the 70,000-word example: 70,000 divided by 3,000 words per hour = 23 hours. 23 hours x $60/hour = $1380 in 2 installments, or $1242 if prepaid (10 percent off).
A detailed critique of a 3,000-word essay or short story would take 1 hour, for a fee of just $60.
As part of the standard or detailed critique, many writers find it helpful to receive a critique summary containing my overall impressions and recommendations. A short story or an essay might warrant a 1- to 2-page summary, while a book-length work usually requires 4 to 6 pages. A summary adds another 1 to 3 hours to the total.
Need memoir or fiction editing services, but wondering if you can afford them? If you have a specific amount budgeted for your project, and it doesn't cover any of the options I've outlined, let me know what it is, and I'll let you know what I can provide for that amount.